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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:With the in-depth exchanges and the improvement of people's living standard and foreign culture, people demand for foreign movie resources unceasing enhancement, so many foreign outstanding film and television works appear in the eyes of the audience. But due to the different culture, language, habits and other factors under the influence of domestic audience caused some missing some movie disorder and the source language culture connotation, special translation mode so the predecessors to many video resources in translation on the basis of research results to further study of subtitle translation is different from the traditional translation, comparative study and summary summed up the reasonable translation strategy, which relates to the translation strategies of domestication and foreignization, functional equivalence theory, addition and subtraction, literal translation and free translation. Through these translation strategies in the translation of film subtitles of the actual case, to the source language culture not only retains the subtitle translation, to find the best balanced still infinitely close to target language audience language environment.


Keywords: Translation ,Language,Subtitle,Cultrual





Chapter 1  Introduction-1

Chapter 2  Research status of film translation-3

2.1The formation and the status quo-3

2.2 Some previous studies-4

2.3 Research from the perspective of culture-4

Chapter 3 Film translation characteristics of the Internet Era-7

3.1 Translation characteristics under the network environment-7

3.2 Case studies in language translation under the network environment-7

3.2.1 Scene simulation-7

A. Parody of the movie title and common discourse-7

B. Parody in song or lyrics-8

C. A parody of popular topic-8

3.2.3 The "mixed language"-8 Hybrid network language, popular language-8 Mixed language, slang, dialects-8 Mix of classical Chinese and vernacular-9

3.3 Penetration and impact on the official translation-9

3.4 The positive significance of network language translation style-10

3.5  Some problems in the translation of movie and TV network-10

   A.Without considering the target language habits.10

   B.The error expression meaning.-10

C. Translator's lack of responsibility-11

3.6 Development trend of film subtitle translation-11

A. Fashion and entertainment.-11

B. English-Chinese translation to Chinese-English Translation-11

C. Domestication dominance of domestication and foreignization-12

D. To speed up the translation speed-12

Chapter 4 CONCLUSION-15



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文通过前人对许多影视资源翻译的研究成果基础上进一步研究影视字幕翻译区别于传统翻译的特殊性翻译方式,对比研究并总结归纳出较为合理的翻译策略,文章中所涉及的翻译策略......
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