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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:With the acceleration of the globalization process, the Chinese traditional culture is vigorously promoted. Then translating literary works is particularly important in the process of spreading Chinese culture. Dialectss, as a variant of a language, have not only literal meaning, but also important stylistic significance in literature.

Dialects has two forms: Social Dialects and Regional Dialects. When we are studying dialects translation, we should make it clear firstly: the dialects used in literature field is different from that used in linguistic field. Traditionally, when Chinese writers are creating literary works, they like to use dialects to make their works more attractive. In this way, translators also need to consider dialects translation strategies when they are translating literary works. 

Skopostheory is put forward by Reiss’s student, Vermeer in 1970s. It is also the most important theory in Functional Translation Theories. According to Skopostheory, the first principle of translation is the “function law”. That is the purpose of translation decides the whole process of translation. This theory is also suitable to be a guide in the field of dialects translation.

As we all know, for translators, how to translate dialects in the translation process is a great challenge. But we can not avoid this problem. This paper will list some of the examples in which dialectss are used in Chinese literary works and will talk about how to translate dialectss via studying masters’ strategies. 


Keywords:  literary works; Skopostheory; dialects translation; translation strategies





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 Skopostheory Overview-3

2.2 Two Translation Methods From The Perspective Of Skopostheory-3

Chapter 3 Introduction of Dialects-5

3.1 Concept of Dialects- ..5

3.2 Functions of Literary Dialects… 5

3.3 Why It Is Hard to Translate Literary Dialects..6

Chapter 4 Dialects Translation Strategies-7

4.1 Corresponding Translation …7

4.2 Partial Corresponding Translation- .7

Chapter 5 Conclusion-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:包含于方言中的内容很多,范围很广,很多歇后语,俗语都是来自于百姓生活中,是人民群众伟大的智慧的结晶。而正因为方言所包含的内容多,含义深,使得在译文过程中处理好方言......
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