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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:Critical realism faithfully and objectively reflects social reality as well as criticizes the social evils. Charles Dickens is one of the most famous critical realists in England. Great Expectations is considered as his masterpiece. Since its publication, it has attracted wide attention. Many critics have tried to interpret it from different angles. The thesis will give an analysis on the critical realism in the novel.

It is made up of four chapters. Chapter One consists of a general introduction to Charles Dickens and Great Expectations. Chapter Two introduces the theory of critical realism. Chapter Three devotes to a detailed analysis of critical realism in this novel, which involves money worship, injustice of law industry, the plight of children, a eulogy of humanitarianism, etc. Chapter Four is the conclusion, summarizing the main points of the whole thesis.


Keywords:  Critical Realism  Charles Dickens  Great Expectations  money worship





Chapter One An Introduction to Charles Dickens and Great Expectations-1

1.1 Charles Dickens, a Great Critical Realist-1

1.2 An Introduction to Great Expectations-2

Chapter Two An Introduction to Critical Realism-4

2.1The Development of Critical Realism-4

2.1.1Social Background-4

2.1.2 Critical Realism in England-4

2.2 Characteristics of Critical Realism-5

Chapter Three Critical Realism in Great Expectations-7

3.1 A True Reflection on the Victorian Society-7

3.2 Criticism of Money Worship-7

3.3 Condemnation of the Injustice of Law-8

3.4 Exposure of the Miserable Existence of Children-9

3.5 A Eulogy of Humanitarianism-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:论文由四部分构成。第一章是对查尔斯•狄更斯以及《远大前程》的介绍;第二章介绍了批判现实主义这一概念;第三章具体分析了小说中所体现出的批判现实主义特点,包括拜金主义......
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