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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:This thesis does an empirical study of learning burnout in English majors in Xuzhou Institute of Technology. After reviewing studies on learning burnout at home and abroad, and based on the questionnaires from Chen Yan, the research chooses ten boy students and ten girl students in every grade at random as a sample. The purpose of this research is to study the condition and the influential factors of learning burnout, and then tentative methods are proposed to abate this phenomenon. The findings are as follows:

(1) There exits learning burnout in English majors in our college;

(2) The learning burnout is different in gender, with male students higher than females;

(3) There are significant grade differences in English major’s learning burnout. Compared with freshmen and seniors, sophomores and juniors occupy higher level of learning burnout. Seniors’ level of learning burnout is the lowest of all grades;

(4) According to the intensity, factors of influencing learning burnout are the college, the individuals, the society and the family.

This research is beneficial to get a general understanding of learning burnout in English majors in Xuzhou Institute of Technology, and help them correct their shortcomings and deficiencies. It also benefits Xuzhou Institute of Technology to improve the mode of teaching and administration. This thesis plays a certain theoretical and practical role in solving the learning burnout problem in the near future.  


Keywords:  English majors  learning burnout  influential factors  empirical study





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Definition of Learning Burnout-1

1.2 Reasons for Current Study-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Previous Studies on Learning Burnout-3

2.1 Overseas Research-3

2.2 Domestic Research-3

Chapter Three Learning Burnout in English majors of Xuzhou Institute of Technology-5

3.1 Subjects-5

3.2 Instrument-5

3.3 Method-5

3.4 Research Objectives-5

3.5 Results-6

3.5.1 Gender Differentiation-6

3.5.2 Grade Differentiation-7

3.6 Influential Factors-8

3.6.1 The Education System-8

3.6.2 The Individual Differences-10

3.6.3 The Social Culture-11

3.6.4 The Family Background-12

Chapter Four Countermeasures of Learning Burnout in English Majors-14

4.1 Social Support-14

4.2 Change of Cultivating Mode-14

4.3 Changes of Teaching Mode-14

4.4 Students’ Self-effort-15

Chapter Five Conclusion-16



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本研究对了解我校英语专业学生的倦怠情况,促进其改正自身缺点与不足,积极投入到学习中有一定的积极意义;同时对我校改善教学及管理,最大程度地解决学生学习倦怠问题具有一......
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