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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:When we judge the integrated language capability, writing skill is an important symbol, which directly reflects the students’ creativity in English learning. But it’s a fact that English writing is a major difficulty for most English learning students because the ability is hard to be improved. Fortunately, in recent years, English writing skills have become really important in the reformation of college curriculums all around the world. Universities in our country have also stressed on the conversion of the ways of English writing, which calls on teachers to change the existing ways of teaching that restricts the open atmosphere in classes and hardly provides chances for students to use English synthetically. In order to convert their teaching style to better improve students’ writing ability, teachers can take the method of Project-Based Learning (PBL) during English writing classes. Based on the practical teaching, this paper explores the application of PBL in the English writing classes, puts forward some model of teaching with respect to the details and ways of teaching and makes some discussion. This plays a positive and practical role in reforming the teaching process of English writing, developing students’ independent learning as well as fully promoting students’ ability of using English.


Keywords: Project-based learning  English writing  Application





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two The Application of PBL in the English Writing Classes-3

2.1 The Application of PBL in the English Writing Classes-3

2.1.1 Setting up the Project-4

2.1.2 Gathering and Disposing the Information-5

2.1.3 Forming Teams,Making Discussions and Demonstrations-5

2.1.4 Determining the Content of Writing and Writing-6

2.1.5 Presenting the Results, Studying and Making Conclusions-7

Chapter Three the Advantages of the Application-9

3.1 The Development of Students’ Independent Learning Skills-9

3.2 The Development of Students’ Ability of Using English Synthetically-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:针对英语写作是大部分英语学习生面临的难题,以及写作能力提高较慢的现实,教师可将项目教学法应用于写作教学过程中。本文以实际教学为基础,探究项目教学法在英语写作课堂中......
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