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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:With the continuous development of society, especially the rapid progress of Internet, the international communication becomes more and more frequent. The intercommunication between China and western countries is gradually getting deeper and deeper. Because of different cultural background, more and more differences appear in the intercommunication, and the collision inevitably occurs.

In order to learn more about western traditional culture and avoid misunderstanding and conflicts which may occur in the communication, it becomes more and more necessary to study Chinese and western cultures.

This thesis is devoted to the differences of family concepts in Chinese and western cultures. Based on the movie Pushing Hands, this thesis begins its analysis and comparison from the four aspects as follows, treating aged parents, educating children, family space, communicating way and attitude in a family. It also makes some research on the reasons of the differences and the characteristics.

The research on the differences of family concepts has an important effect on promoting the intercultural communication, and it has a positive influence on language study of college students.


Keywords:  Chinese and western culture  family concept  difference





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Treating Aged Parents-2

2.1 A Brief Introduction to Filial Piety-2

2.2 Filial Piety Reflected in Life-2

2.2.1 In the Life of Chinese People-2

2.2.2 In the Life of Western People-3

2.3 Differences Showed in the Movie Pushing Hands-3

Chapter Three Educating Children-3

3.1 Educating Focus-3

3.1.1 In Chinese Culture-4

3.1.2 In Western Culture-4

3.2 Educating Concept-4

3.2.1 In Chinese Culture-4

3.2.2 In Western Culture-4

3.3 Relationship Between Parents and Children-5

3.3.1 In Chinese Culture-5

3.3.2 In Western Culture-5

3.4 Differences Showed in the Movie Pushing Hands-5

Chapter Four Family Space-6

4.1 Concept of Family-6

4.1.1 In Chinese Culture-7

4.1.2 In Western Culture-7

4.2 Individual Privacy-7

4.2.1 In Chinese Culture-7

4.2.2 In Western Culture-7

4.3 Differences Showed in the Movie Pushing Hands-7

Chapter Five Communicating Way and Attitude in the Family-8

5.1 Principle of Civility-9

5.1.1 In Chinese Culture-9

5.1.2 In Western Culture-9

5.2 Class of Family Members-9

5.2.1 In Chinese Culture-9

5.2.2 In Western Culture-10

5.3 Content of Communication-10

5.3.1 In Chinese Culture-10

5.3.2 In Western Culture-10

5.4 Differences Showed in the Movie Pushing Hands-10

Chapter Six Conclusion-11


上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文着力于研究中西方文化下家庭观念的差异,结合电影《推手》,对电影中折射出的“敬养父母”、“教育子女”、“家庭空间”、“家庭交流的方式与态度”这四个方面的差异进行......
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