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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-29
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Abstract:As is known to all,nonverbal communication plays an important role in interpersonal communication. Body language is the core of nonverbal communication. Therefore, it is necessary to have a broad knowledge of body language. However, in different cultures, the meaning and use of body language vary from one another. We should take many factors into consideration: when can we use a certain kind of body language? To whom can we employ such behavior? 

If we want to make effective communication with from English-speaking countries, we must understand the meaning of their body language. In addition, we also have to know the taboos in their countries so as to avoid improper body movements or body behaviors. To put it briefly, making clear cultural differences will contribute to better use of body language and even avoid cultural conflicts. 

This paper focuses on comparison of body language in different cultures in terms of eye language, gestures, facial expressions, touch, and postures. It aims to illustrate the differences and similarities of body language in China and English-speaking countries and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication.


Keywords: body language  cultural differences  intercultural communication






Chapter 1 Culture Background of Body Language-2

1.1 Historical and Practical Significance of Body Language in Intercultural Communication-2

1.2 Function and Necessity of Body Language in Intercultural Communication-2

Chapter 2 The Relationship between Body Language and Culture-5

Chapter 3 Analysis on Some Commonly Used Body Language in China and English-Speaking Countries-7

3.1 Eye Contacts and Eye Behaviors-7

3.2 Facial Expressions-8

3.3 Gestures-8

3.4 Body Touch-9

3.5 Postures-10

Chapter 4 Some Body Language Learning Strategies-12



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:将从目光语言、手势、面部表情、体触语和姿势这几个方面来比较不同文化间的身势语。 目的在于展示中国和说英语的国家之间的身势语的异同点并提出克服文化障碍的方法,以便不同......
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