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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Jane Austen was an English novelist in the eighteenth century. In addition she was the most famous female writer in English literary history. Although she was not a prolific writer, Austen, with her particular insight into “women’s problems”, had won praise from both critics and readers. Her wroks were unanimously about women and their living conditions. As a female writer, Austen showed her concern about women and their problems, among which marriage was the most sensitive one. 

Of all her works, Emma was often regarded as the most representative because it showed clearly Austen’s understanding of and feeling about the problems of women in her society. It was about the heroine’s progress out of her errors onto moral and emotional maturity. 

This thesis is mainly discussed according to the following content. Firstly, Jane Austen and her work Emma will be introduced. Next, by making an analysis of Austen’s feminist ideas, Austen’s feminine consciousness in Emma will be explained. Jane Austen’s feminist can be easily found especially through her marriage view. Therefore, the heroines as well as Austen’s exposure of the marriage view will be analyzed. 


Keywords:  Jane Austen  Emma  feminine consciousness





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Jane Austen and Her Literary Works-1

1.2 A Brief Introduction to Emma-1

1.3 Present Research on Emma-2

1.4 The Composition of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Theoretic Ideas of Feminism-4

2.1 Basic Theory of Feminism-4

2.2 Feminine Consciousness in the Eighteenth Century-4

Chapter Three Jane Austen’s Feminist Ideas-6

3.1 Jane Austen’s Concern for Women’s Role in Social Life-6

3.2 Jane Austen’s Affirmation of Women’s Intellectual Power-6

3.3 Jane Austen’s Representation of Radical Views on Marriage-7

3.4 Jane Austen’s Individual Life Mirrored in Emma-8

Chapter Four The Projection of Feminine Consciousness in Emma-10

4.1 The Importance of Walking Out of Women’s Narrow Sphere-10

4.2 The Assertion of Being an Intelligent Woman-10

4.3 The Three Most Indispensable Elements in Marriage-11

4.3.1 Love- the Very Foundation of a Harmonious Relationship-11

4.3.2 Equality- the Key to an Ideal Marriage-12

4.3.3 Money- the Guarantee to a Happy Ending-12

4.4 Feminism Consciousness Projected by the Personalities of the Characters-13

4.4.1 Harriet: Dependent Companion-13

4.4.2 Miss Bates: Equality Guider-14

4.4.3 Mr. Knightley: Mature Respecter-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-15


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:主要介绍了以下内容:首先,介绍了作者简奥斯汀和她的作品《爱玛》;其次,通过分析奥斯汀的女性主义,旨在发现奥斯汀的女性主体意识在该小说中的具体体现。其中,奥斯汀的女......
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