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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:John Updike is a master of the American contemporary literary who is a novelist, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic. Among Updike’s numerous works, Rabbit Tetralogy is highly acclaimed as the most successful which displays a panorama of contemporary American society and the spiritual world of ordinary American middle class. 

Rabbits Redux created in the late 1960s is the second volume of Rabbit Tetralogy. In this volume Updike transfers his narrative center from the male protagonist Harry to some female characters like Harry’s wife Janice, the hippie girl Jill and so on. This thesis focuses on the analysis of the inner-heart of the female character Janice. By exploring how Janice changes from a slovenly and submissive housewife into a confident, independent woman who seeks for true love, the writer intends to reveal the great impact of feminism in 1960s America on women and on their families.


Keywords:  Rabbit Redux  feminism  the awakening soul





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 A Brief Introduction to John Updike and Rabbit Redux-1

1.2 The Focus and Significance of this Thesis-2

Chapter Two Feminism in the United States-3

2.1 The Basic Concept of Feminism-3

2.2 Feminism in 1960s America-3

Chapter Three Slatternly Janice in Rabbit, Run-5

3.1 A Slovenly and Excessive Drinker-5

3.2 A Submissive Wife-6

Chapter Four Awakening Janice in Rabbit Redux-7

4.1 The Pursuit of Independence-7

4.1.1 An Economic Independence Woman-7

4.1.2 A Pillar of the Family-8

4.2 The Pursuit of Mental and Physical Liberation-9

4.2.1 A Self-conscious Woman-9

4.2.2 A Seeker for True Love-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文聚焦《兔子归来》中的主要女性人物詹妮丝内心世界的分析,通过探讨小说中詹妮丝的女性形象是如何从一位邋遢、顺从的家庭主妇变成一位自信独立、敢于追求真爱的女性,揭示......
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