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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Under the background of increasing international economic and trade cooperation, foreign trade correspondence has become an important means of communication in international business activities, and it plays a significant role in promoting understanding, contacting business and solving problems. Therefore, whether the foreign trade correspondence is polite or not will have a direct influence on the communication and collaboration of both sides. On the basis of Leech and Gu Yueguo’s theories,this paper, by analyzing each example carefully, is going to compare the per locutions of different examples in four aspects: lexical polite expression, syntactical polite expression, hedges and speaking tones, so as to reveal the different effects polite expression make on foreign trade correspondence. It aims to avoid barriers for foreign trade exchanges and guarantee the smoothness of foreign trades. 


Key words: polite expression  foreign trade correspondence  influences.





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background-1

1.2 The Definition of Foreign Trade Correspondence-1

1.3 The Necessity of Polite Expression in Foreign Trade Correspondence-1

Chapter Two Introduction to Politeness Principle-2

2.1 Leech and Brown’s Polite Principle-2

2.2 Gu Yueguo’s Polite Principle-2

Chapter Three the Influence of Polite Expressions on Foreign Trade Correspondence-3

3.1 The Influence of Lexical Polite Expressions-3

3.1.1 Keep “Thanks” on Your Mouth-3

3.1.2 Take “You attitude” into Consideration-3

3.1.3 Be Careful with “Must”-4

3.2 The Influence of Syntactical Polite Expressions-4

3.2.1 The Influence of Passive Sentence-4

3.2.2 The Influence of Positive Sentence-5

3.2.3 The Influence of Interrogative Sentence-5

3.2.4 The Influence of Conditional Sentence-6

3.2.5 The Influence of Subjunctive Mood-6

3.3 The Influence of Hedges-7

3.4 The Influence of Speaking Tone-8

3.4.1 The Influence of Equal Tone-9

3.4.2 The Influence of Affinity-9

Chapter 4 Conclusion-11


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文基于Leech和顾曰国等学者的研究理论,通过大量例句,分别从词、句、模糊语和语气四个方面来比较不同实例的表达效果,以此来展示礼貌用语对外贸函电造成的不同影响,旨在避免......
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