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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Euphemism is a widespread phenomenon in language use, which is the interest of linguists at both home and abroad. However, the former studies were focused on disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, socio-linguistics, pragmatic and discourse analysis. So far there has been no systematic investigation of euphemisms in different languages from a pragmatic perspective in cross-cultural communication. Based on the former studies, this thesis is a tentative endeavor to analyze the pragmatic principles of English and Chinese Euphemisms from the cross-cultural perspective.

Since different countries have different cultures, in the cross-cultural communications, people should pay much attention on the differences in order to avoid causing cultural crashes. Therefore, euphemisms emerge as required, which means people speak out their minds in implicit and roundabout ways. It is a language strategy to achieve success with important communicative functions. The applications of euphemisms in Chinese and English languages can not only meet people’s communication needs, but also avoid cultural crashes.

English euphemisms and Chinese euphemisms have different language patterns and culture. This thesis compares and analyzes the differences between Chinese and English euphemisms and their pragmatic principles. It is divided into five parts. Firstly, the author introduced the background and meaning of this research. The second part is literature review. The author analyzed the study at home and abroad concerned with this research and studied the definition and formation of euphemisms. Thirdly, the author analyzes the pragmatic failures existing in transcultural communication, and then primarily studies the pragmatic principles of English and Chinese euphemisms in cross-cultural communication, based on the perspective of H. P. Grice’ cooperative principle and G. Leech’ politeness principle. In the fourth part, the author explores the cultural sources of euphemisms pragmatic failures in communication. The author compares the differences between Chinese and English euphemisms in cultural aspect from religion, social values and class. Finally, there is a conclusion about the thesis, which is, by this research, we can have a good knowledge about the differences in Chinese and English euphemisms and use them correctly in communication to avoid cultural crashes. 


Key words: cross-culture communication  English and Chinese euphemisms  pragmatic  comparison and analysis





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Linguistic Study of Euphemism-2

2.1 The Definition of Euphemism-2

2.2 The Formation of Euphemism-2

2.2.1 Phonetic Formation-2

2.2.2 Lexical Formation-3

2.2.3 Grammatical Formation-3

Chapter Three Pragmatic Analysis of Euphemism-5

3.1 Function of Euphemism-5

3.2 Different Pragmatic Failures in Cross-cultural Communication-5

3.2.1 Pragmatic Failures Caused by Taboos-5

3.2.2 Pragmatic Failures Caused by Beliefs and Values-6

3.3 Pragmatic Principles of Euphemisms-6

3.3.1 Cooperation Principle-6

3.3.2 Politeness Principle-8

Chapter Four Cultural Sources of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication-12

4.1 Euphemism, Language and Cross-cultural Communication-12

4.2 Differences between Chinese and English Euphemism-12

4.2.1 Religious Characteristic-12

4.2.2 Social Value-13

4.2.3 Class Characteristic-13

Chapter Five Conclusion-15


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