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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With the increasing cultural exchange between China and the west, female consciousness has a profound impact on China. Jane Austen and Eileen Chang are the two of the most famous female writers in feminist literature. They remarkably expressed their female consciousness through their novels. By comparing Jane Austen’s and Eileen Chang’s female consciousness in different backgrounds, female consciousness in views of marriage and their heroines’ female consciousness, this thesis analyzes the similarities and differences of the female consciousness between China and the West. The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one introduces the background of the study, the research status of nowadays and the structure of the paper. Chapter two gives a brief introduction of the two writers—Austen and Eileen Chang. Chapter three describes the comparison of the female consciousness from different perspectives. Chapter four draws a conclusion of the major findings of this study.


Keywords:  female consciousness  Jane Austen  Eileen Chang  similarities and differences equality





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background of the Study-1

1.2 Research Status-1

1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Brief Introduction to the Two Writers-3

2.1 Jane Ausen and Her Emma-3

2.2 Eileen Chang and Her The Golden Cangue-3

Chapter Three Comparison of Female Consciousness from Different Perspectives-5

3.1 Female Consciousness of the Two Writers in Different Background-5

3.1.1 Jane Austen’s Female Consciousness-5

3.1.2 Eileen Chang’s Female Consciousness-6

3.2. Different Female Consciousness of the Two Writers in Views of Marriage-7

3.2.1 Austen’s Consciousness in Views of Marriage-7

3.2.2 Eileen Chang’s Consciousness in Views of Marriage-7

3.3 Different Female Consciousness of the Heroines-8

3.3.1 The Heroine’s Female Consciousness in Austen’s Emma-8

3.3.2 The Heroine’s Female Consciousness in Eileen Chang’s The Golden Cangue-9

3.4 Observation from the Comparison-10

3.4.1 Similarities of Female Consciousness in China and the West-10

3.4.2 Differences of Female Consciousness in China and the West-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文通过比较简·奥斯丁和张爱玲这两位女作家在不同背景下体现的女性意识,婚恋观方面体现的女性意识及其各自代表作《金锁记》和《爱玛》中女主人公的女性意识,分析中西方女性......
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