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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With the development of economy, the improvement of living standard of people speeds up. However, more and more people are living under heavy pressure from work. And some of them bring it into family life unintentionally, which results in diverse family violence finally. Li Yang is the famous creator of “Crazy English”. The incident of his battering wife was exposed by the micro-blog of his wife Kim on the internet, arousing public concern, especially the media. Consequently the family violence induced from celebrity not only initiated the extensive discussion or in-depth analysis of family violence from the perspectives of psychology and society, but also revealed, to some degree, some discrepancies between America and China. By analysis of the direct cause leading to family violence, this thesis attempts to explore the differences and similarities of family education between China and America revealed in the case of Li Yang.


Keywords:  LiYang’s family violence  family education  differences  similarities





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 Previous Studies on Western and Eastern Family Education-2

2.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Thesis-3

2.3 The Structure of the Thesis-3

Chapter Three Analysis of Li Yang’s Family Violence from the Perspective of Family Education-4

3.1 About Li Yang’s Family Violence-4

3.2 The Direct Reason Leading to the Family Violence-4

3.3 The Comparison Between Li Yang’s Family Education and His Wife’s-5

3.3.1 Li Yang’s Family Education-5

3.3.2 Kim’s Family Education-5

Chapter Four The Differences and Similarities of Family Education Between China and America-7

4.1 Similarities-7

4.1.1 Moral Education with the Core of Love-7

4.1.2 Diligence Education-7

4.1.3 Thrift Education-8

4.2 Differences-8

4.2.1 The Contrast of the Concepts-8

4.2.2 The Contrast of the Aims-9

4.2.3 The Contrast of the Methods-10

4.2.4 The Contrast of the Results-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:疯狂英语创始人李阳的家庭暴力行为被其美籍妻子Kim在微博上曝光,引起媒体广泛关注。这场发生在社会名人身上的家暴事件不仅引发了人们从心理、社会等角度讨论家暴行为产生的原......
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