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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:The Grammatical Metaphor (hereinafter referred to as GM) theory was put forward by the systemic-functionalist, Halliday who proposed in An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985) .The thesis applies Halliday’s theory to the analysis of the usages and translation skills of grammatical metaphor appearing in English business contract. 

This paper analyzes the grammatical metaphor in business contracts. GM involves nominalization, adjectivization, metaphors of mood and modality. Conclusions can be drawn as follows: nominalization could increase the lexical density and formality; adjectivization could increase the technicality of contexts; appropriate mood and modality could increase politeness and solemnity. 

Grammatical metaphor frequently appears in business contracts and also highlights five “C”s. Both the parties and draftsmen should study and grasp translation skills in business contracts. Based on some translation examples, this paper explores metaphors of nominalization, adjectivization, mood, modality and then presents some translation skills.

This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to the topic and background. The second chapter begins with definitions of grammatical metaphor, gives a classification of its functions and emphasizes its significance. Chapter Three analyzes the usages of GM in business contracts with particular examples. Chapter Four shows the features of business contracts and gives tips to translators. The last chapter draws the conclusions.


Key words: grammatical metaphor (GM)  business contract  function  translation





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Grammatical Metaphor-2

2.1 Definition of GM-2

2.2 Literature Review on GM-2

2.3 Functions of GM-3

2.4 Significance and Limitations-3

Chapter Three Usages of GM in Business Contracts-5

3.1 Ideational GM-5

3.1.1 Nominalization-5

3.1.2 Adjectivization, Verbalization and Adverbalization-6

3.2 Interpersonal GM-7

3.2.2 Metaphors of Mood-7

3.2.3 Metaphors of Modality-8

Chapter Four Translation Skills of GM in Business Contracts-9

4.1 Features of Business Contracts-9

4.1.1 Archaic Words-9

4.1.2 Passive Voice-9

4.1.3Trade, Legal and Formal Terms-10

4.2 Translation Skills-10

4.2.1 Nominalization-10

4.2.2 Adjectivization-11

4.2.3 Mood and Modality-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-14


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:这些语法隐喻手法在商务合同中出现频繁,并且符合合同语言的五个“C”特征,因此交易双方及合同书写者应学习并掌握商务合同中的翻译技巧。论文探讨了有关名词化,形容词化,语......
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