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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Commencement address is one of the most important part of the graduation activities, and it is the last lesson that the university provides for students, and it pins great expectations on students. By the means of addresses, speakers want to convey their own views of life and society to students. Owing to different historical and cultural backgrounds of two nations, the style of commencement addresses of two nations is totally different. Therefore, two different cultures reflected by these addresses bring enlightenment for future cross-cultural study and communication between two nations. 

This thesis will analyze the cultural difference between China and America in the perspective of Labov’s narrative structure, and mainly in five aspects, they are abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation and resolution. This thesis is generally divided into five parts. Chapter one is introduction; literature review is offered in Chapter two; Chapter three mainly analyzes differences between Chinese and American commencement addresses from the perspective of Labov’s narrative structure; Chapter four analyzes the comparative study of Chinese and American cultures; and the last Chapter is the conclusion.


Keywords:  commencement address  narrative structure  comparative study of Chinese and American cultures





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 Motivation and Significance of the Study-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of Narrative Structure-3

2.2 Introduction of Labov’s Narrative Structure-3

2.3 Previous Studies-3

Chapter Three Narrative Structure Analysis in Labov’s Narrative Structure-4

3.1 Abstract of Labov’s Narrative Structure-4

3.2 Orientation of Labov’s Narrative Structure-5

3.2.1 Difference in Material Culture-5

3.2.2 Difference in School Behavior Culture-6

3.3 Complicating Action of Labov’s Narrative Structure-6

3.3.1 Difference in Opening Remarks-6

3.3.2 Difference in Explaining the Topic in Detail-6

3.4 Evaluation of Labov’s Narrative Structure-7

3.5 Resolution of Labov’s Narrative Structure-8

3.6 Coda of Labov’s Narrative Structure-8

Chapter Four Overall Interpretation of Cultural Differences between China and America-9

4.1 Difference in Value-9

4.2 Difference in the Time Concept-9

4.3 Difference in the Way of Thinking-10

4.4 Reasons for Chinese and American Cultural Differences-10

4.4.1 Influence from History-10

4.4.2 Influence from Social Structure-11

4.4.3 Influence from Traditional Education-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-12

5.1 Major Findings-12

5.2 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Study-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文从拉波夫的叙事结构角度出发,在点题、指向、进展、评议、结局等五个方面,结合中美大学毕业典礼的演讲,综合分析中美两国的文化差异。本篇论文主要分为五个部分:第一章是......
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