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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Based on a brief introduction to Functional Equivalence Theory (FET), the related studies of image, and the previous studies on C-E translation of Li Bai’s poetry, the thesis illustrates the applicability and guidance of FET to the translation of classical Chinese poetry, and probes the approaches of C-E translation of images in Li Bai’s poetry from the perspective of the theory. The thesis adopts Xu Yuanchong’s translated version as case studies to conclude that translators ought to choose appropriate approaches to deal with cultural differences between China and the west in poetry image translation to achieve functional equivalence. 


Keywords:  Functional Equivalence Theory  image  C-E translation  Li Bai’s poetry





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Functional Equivalence Theory-2

2.1 The Development of Functional Equivalence Theory-2

2.2 FET and the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry-3

Chapter Three Images in Li Bai’s Poetry-5

3.1 Definition of Image-5

3.2 Functions of Images in Poetry-5

3.3 Review of Li Bai’s Poetry Translation-6

Chapter Four Approaches Employed in the C-E Translation of Images in Li Bai’s Poetry from the Perspective of FET-8

4.1 Preserving the Original Image-8

4.2 Preserving the Original Image with Annotation-9

4. 3 Substituting the Original Image-10

4.4 Deleting the Original Image-11

4.5 Paraphrasing the Original Image-11

4.6 Adding Image-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-13

5.1 Summary-13

5.2 Limitations-13


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:阐明了功能对等理论在古诗意象英译中的适应性和指导意义,并从这一理论出发,探讨了李白诗歌中意象的英译方法。论文以许渊冲教授的李白诗歌英译本为范例,论述了在意象的英译......
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