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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:American humor in Friends makes Americans to laugh, but Chinese audience may not think it funny, for American humor has deep roots in its culture. Humor is the embodiment of culture; culture is the core of humor. Humor and culture are closely connected. As part of culture, humor is the highly condensed essence of culture, reflecting social values, aesthetics, and ideology. 

Based on the studies of humor and culture, this paper focuses on the cultural factors reflected in the American humor in the sitcom Friends. The paper consists of four parts. The first chapter is an introduction. The second chapter introduces culture, humor and their relations. The third chapter explores the cultural factors reflected in the American humor in Friends, including religion, politics, history, language and customs. And the last chapter is the conclusion. The charm of American humor lies in the culture it reflects. In order to understand American humor, one must know better about the country and its culture. 


Keywords:  Friends  American humor  culture   factors





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Culture and Humor-2


2.2 Humor-2

2.3 Humor and Culture-3

2.4 American Humor-3

Chapter Three Friends and American Humor-5

3.1 Introduction to Friends-5

3.2. Culture Factors in American Humor in Friends-5

3.2.1Religion and Humor-5

3.2.2 Politics and Humor-6

3.2.3 History and Humor-8

3.2.4 Language and Humor-9

3.2.5 Customs and Humor-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:通过对文化和幽默的研究,本文将着重阐述《老友记》中美式幽默所蕴含的文化因素。本论文包括四个部分,第一部分为绪论,第二部分主要分析文化和幽默之间的关系,第三部分探究......
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