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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:This thesis studies the construction of negotiators’ pragmatic identity in business English negotiations. Previous studies on business negotiations focus on the methods to the process of business negotiations, language of business negotiations, and strategies of business negotiations, etc. However, the researches on constructing negotiators’ pragmatic identities are rarely touched, which leaves a space for us to study. This study is based on theories of identity. It analyzes the individual identity and group identity constructed by the negotiators in business English negotiations. The individual identity mainly includes: personal self and interpersonal self, which represents self-concept derived from connections and role relationships with significant others. The group identity primarily consists of identities of authoritative negotiators, responsible negotiators, cultural negotiators and so on. This research will not only help negotiators construct positive pragmatic identity in business negotiations, but also have a significant and indispensible value in business English negotiations to promote the success of negotiations.


Keywords:  business English negotiations   negotiator   individual identity  group identity





Chapter One  Introduction-1

1.1-Business Negotiation-1

1.2 Reasons for This Study-1

1.3 Structure of This Thesis-1

Chapter Two  Previous Studies on Business Negotiations-2

2.1 Process of Business Negotiations-2

2.2 Language of Business Negotiations-2

2.3 Cultural Study of Business Negotiations-2

2.4 Strategies of Business Negotiations-3

Chapter Three  Theories of Identity-4

3.1 Definition of Identity-4

3.2 Classifications of Identity-4

3.2.1 Individual Identity-4

3.2.2 Group Identity-5

3.3 Influences of Identities on Communication-5

Chapter Four  Negotiators’ Identity in Business English Negotiations-6

4.1 Individual Identity-6

4.1.1 A Capable Negotiator-6

4.1.2 An Understanding, Considerate and Polite Negotiator-7

4.2 Group Identity-9

4.2.1 An Authoritative Negotiator-9

4.2.2 A Responsible Negotiator-10

Chapter Five  Conclusion-12

5.1 Major Findings-12

5.2 Limitations-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:分析了谈判者在商务英语谈判中构建的个人身份和群体身份。个人身份是指与他人之间的联系以及角色关系中衍生出的一种自我概念,主要包括自我个人身份和人际个人身份。而群体身......
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