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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Virginia Woolf is a master of stream of consciousness novelist and well known as “the best female writer of the twenties century”. She wrote a large number of works. Her new writing skills provide people with great pleasure. To the Lighthouse is a famous stream of consciousness novel, one of Virginia Woolf’s outstanding representative works. In this novel, the Ramsay family had a wish of going sailing to the lighthouse, but for some reason it was realized ten years later. This novel shows Woolf’s excellent literature writing skills with perfect and harmonious art form. The variety of themes and the poetic language make it a precious treasure which can not be exploredcompletely in the literary history.

Virginia Woolf created a special character named Lily, who was sometimes involved in the story but sometimes placed out of the scene of the story. From feminist perspective, this thesis analyzes the changes of Lily’s attitude toward relationship between male and female. At first, she dissatisfied with the unequal positions between male and female in patriarchal society. But later she reviewed the relationship between male and female, and found the final harmonious state. This thesis reveals the process of male and female respective principle from imbalance to coordination and at last to integration. In the process, females realize the seeking of self-value.

 In fact, the ideal woman that Virginia Woolf has been pursuing is independent, who is not attached to men but can also get along well with them. After close reading, it is not difficult to find in To the Lighthouse, Lily reflects a kind of female thoughts. That is independent, self-respected, intellectual and detached. Through the whole piece of work, Lily conveys the unique reflection that Woolf shows to the present situation of women.

The whole thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter One is a brief introduction to Virginia Woolf, her feminist thoughts and the main content of To the Lighthouse. Chapter Two is Lily’s original view of relationship between male and female. Chapter Three is about the course of Lily’s spiritual growth. Chapter Four is the conclusion of the whole thesis.


Keywords:  To the Lighthouse  Virginia Woolf  Feminism  harmony between genders





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Brief Introduction to Virginia Woolf and Her Feminist Thoughts-1

1.2 Introduction to To the Lighthouse-2

Chapter Two Lily’s Original View of Relationship Between Male and Female-4

2.1 Mr. Ramsay---Typical Representative of Male-dominated Society-4

2.2 Mrs. Ramsay---Typical Representative of Angel in the House-5

2.3 Lily---an Artist against Traditional Relationship Between Male and Female-7

Chapter Three Course of Lily’s Spiritual Growth-9

3.1 Sympathy for Mr. Ramsay-9

3.2 Respect for Mrs. Ramsay-10

3.3 Harmonious Relationship Between Male and Female-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文分为四个部分。第一部分介绍弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙,她的女性主义思想以及作品《到灯塔去》。第二部分阐述莉丽对传统男女关系的看法。第三部分是莉丽精神成长的过程。第四部分则......
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