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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:The cultural differences between China and the west can be seen in many aspects. Among them, there must have the differences of view on death. This thesis is going to analyze the cultural differences of China and the west from the perspective of view on death.

Death is the event that everyone has to experience at the end of his life. However, for various reasons, most people in many societies throughout history have found that they are unwilling to mention it. When facing death, everyone has his own view and attitude, or view on death.

In this thesis, the author explains the meaning of death and view on death at first. Second, introduces the respective views on death of China and the west. The view on death of China tends to be avoidant and dread, while that of the west tends to be accepted although they are also afraid. Third, two concrete demonstrations which reflect the different views on death are given. At last, the author analyzes factors causing different death views. 


Keywords: view on death  cultural difference  death euphemism  death education





Chapter One Introduction1

Chapter Two Death Views.2

2.1 Chinese Death Views-2

2.1.1 Avoidance-2

2.1.2 Dread-3

2.2 Western Death Views-3

Chapter Three Manifestations of Chinese and Western Death Views in Euphemism-5

3.1 Definition of Euphemism and Death Euphemism-5

3.2 The Use of Death Euphemism in China and the West-5

Chapter Four Manifestations of Chinese and Western Death Views in Death Education-7

4.1 Death Education in China-7

4.2 Death Education in the West-8

Chapter Five Factors Causing Different Death Views...9

5.1 Factors Influencing Chinese Death Views-9

5.1.1 the Spread of Confucianism and Taoism-9

5.1.2 the Popularity of Buddhism-10

5.2 Factors Influencing Western Death Views-11

Chapter Six Conclusion...12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:作者首先解释了死亡和死亡观的概念。接着介绍了中西方各自的死亡观:中国是趋向于回避和害怕,西方是虽然也害怕但趋向于接受。而后,从委婉语的使用和死亡教育两个方面论述了......
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