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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With the rising of economy and political position in the international communication, restaurant industry in china begins to rapidly develop and is widely accepted by western countries like America and the UK. Because of the differences of culture and language between western countries and China, how to communicate properly with the guests is related to the quality of service and the image of restaurant as well as the future of china restaurant industry. What the workers say and what they do not only represent themselves but also represent the image of the whole restaurant. A small mistake may cause misunderstanding even arbitration. So the most important thing is to give a good impression to the guests. In order to successfully communicate with guests, the workers of restaurant industry should not only have a grasp of English but also learn about the cultural differences between western countries and China. 

Politeness or courtesy language is important to communication. It is necessary to learn about both English and Chinese politeness principles in order to give a good impression to the guests. By the analysis of problems of the politeness principles existing in restaurant English, we can put forward some methods to solve them.

According to the analysis of some examples in restaurant industry, this paper puts forward the problems existing in using politeness principles. By analysis of the problems that how the workers of restaurant industry use politeness principles to communicate with foreign guests, this paper puts forward some suggestions, including how the workers properly use politeness principles and strategies of politeness to communicate with guests.


Key words:  restaurant English  politeness principle  culture difference  cross-cultural communication  courtesy language

上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文根据礼貌原则在餐饮英语中的具体应用及餐饮服务中的案例分析,指出餐饮人员在对顾客服务过程中应用礼貌原则存在的问题。就现实中餐饮服务人员掌握礼貌原则的问题进行分析......
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