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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:The Joy Luck Club is one of the representative works of the famous Chinese American writer Amy Tan. As one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese-American woman writers, Amy Tan, with her masterpiece The Joy Luck Club, she wins and consolidates her position in the field of American literature. With a unique, delicate, touching depiction of mother-daughter relationships, The Joy Luck Club attracts many readers. In this novel, she presents to the reader a story of four Chinese immigrant mothers and their daughters. The four mothers have their own view of the world, which was based on their life experiences in China. However, the daughters who grew up in the mainstream American culture have some kind of resentment for the so-called Chinese things, are dedicated to catering to the U.S. stuff. Four pairs of the mother-daughter conflicts in the novel are the mainstream, reflecting the conflicts and the differences in the concept of family education in China and the United States. Ever since the publication of The Joy Luck Club, papers related to the novel are countless, and most are written from the point of cultural conflict, cultural identity, post-colonial, feminism and mother-daughter relationship. For these reasons, this article will write from a new point of view. Through the comparative analysis of family education in The Joy Luck Club which brings us new ideas for reforming China’s educational system. Although family education in China is maturing, there are still many problems. Through the comparative analysis, many new ideas can be drawn to improve Chinese education. On the one hand, to inherit and carry forward the essence of traditional Chinese education; on the other hand, to reflect on the shortcomings of our traditional concepts of education, and to learn from other countries advanced educational ideas and concepts, so as to make up for our own weaknesses.


Keywords:  Amy Tan  The Joy Luck Club  mother-daughter conflicts  family education foreign education 






Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Introduction to the Author of The Joy Luck Club-1

1.2 An Overview of The Joy Luck Club-1

1.3 The Literature Review of this Thesis-2

1.4 The Significance of this Thesis-2

Chapter Two Mother-Daughter Conflicts-4

2.1 Conflicts between Mothers and Daughters-4

2.2 The Reasons of the Conflicts-4

2.2.1 Differences in Historical Background.-4

2.2.2 Differences in Social Experience-5

2.2.3 Differences in Culture-6

2.2.4 Differences in Education-6

Chapter Three Comparison of Sino-Western Family Education-8

3.1 The Purpose of Family Education-8

3.2 The Way of Family Education-8

3.3 The Content of Family Education-9

3.4 The Direction of the Evaluation of the Children-10

Chapter Four Enlightment-11

4.1 Cultivating Children for “Adult” Instead of “Talent”-11

4.2 Turning “Comparison” into “Appreciation”-11

4.3 Turning “Abandoning” into “Supporting”-12

4.4 Turning “Autocracy” into “Democracy”-12

4.5 Turning Cold War-style “Silence” into Constructive “Communication”-13

Chapter Five Conclusion-15


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文将从一个新的角度研究这篇小说。通过对《喜福会》母女冲突中中美家庭教育差异的比较分析,引发对我国家庭教育的改革新思路。中国家庭教育虽日趋完善,仍存在很多问题,由......
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