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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With the increasing development of globalization, cooperation and communication between people from every corner of the world become inevitable and frequent. But due to the different cultural backgrounds, people of different cultures respond differently to the same situation. Accordingly, people have different ways to show their emotions, too. So difficulties and problems in communication between people from different cultures are unavoidable.

In order to avoid unnecessary problems and make communication more efficient, it is necessary to learn about the cultural context. So in this paper, the author focuses on the importance of the cultural context in intercultural communication, especially in the emotional expression.

This paper consists of four parts. The first part is the brief introduction of the necessity and significance of doing such a study. In the second part, high-context and low-context communications are illustrated. The third part is to demonstrate the differences of emotional expressions of people from high-context and low-context cultures. The last chapter is to draw the conclusion. 


Keywords:  high-context  low-context  emotional expression  difference






Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Organization of the Paper-1

Chapter Two High-Context and Low-Context Communication...-2

2.1 The Definitions of high-context and low-context communication-2

2.2 Characteristics of High-context and Low-context Communications-3

2.2.1 Direct and Indirect Communication-3

2.2.2 Speaker-oriented and Listener-oriented-4

2.2.3 Degree of the Dependence on Nonverbal Language-5

Chapter Three Emotional Expressions of People from High-context and Low-context Cultures...-6

3.1 Definition of Emotional Expression-6

3.2 Differences in Emotional Expressions-6

3.2.1 Perceptions of Nonverbal Ways-6

3.2.2 Degree of Dependence on Verbal Language-8

3.2.3 Talking Mode-9

3.2.4 Politeness Principle-9

3.3 Solutions to the Problems-9

3.3.1 Learning about other cultures-10

3.3.2 Adopting an impartial attitude-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11

4.1 Conclusion-11

4.2 Limitations of the Paper-11


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本论文包括四个方面。第一部分阐述研究本课题的必要性与重要性;第二部分介绍高情景和低情景的相关内容;第三部分主要阐述在高低情景文化中,人们情感表达的差异;第四部分是......
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