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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Traditionally, metaphor is regarded as one of figures of speech, i.e. more or less ornamental devices used in rhetorical style. And the previous researches were mainly limited in the field of rhetoric. However, with the publication of the book Metaphor We Live By (1980) written by Lakoff and Johnson, the study of metaphor stepped into a new stage. Metaphor is not only a kind of language phenomenon, but also a cognitive phenomenon. Since then, metaphor is considered to be a process by mapping or transferring the source domain to the target domain.

Taking “IN” and “NEI”, the fundamental spatial orientations in English and Chinese, as the research object, this thesis comparatively examines the cognitive style through metaphors by which this pair of spatial words are mapped into scope, time, state, manner, social relation, etc. It attempts to explore the differences and similarities of the cognitive styles of the peoples in different cultural contexts and the enlightenment for English learning.


Keywords:  spatial orientations  “NEI”  “IN”  spatial metaphor  cognition






Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Aims and Scope of the Study-1

1.3 Layout of the Thesis-2

Chapter Two Theoretical Background-3

2.1 The Cognitive Approach to Metaphor-3

2.1.1 The Cognitive View on Metaphor and Its Internal Structure-3

2.1.2 The Experiential Grounding of Conceptual Metaphors-4

2.2 Spatial Metaphor and Image Schema-4

2.2.1 Spatial Metaphor-4

2.2.2 Image Schema and Langacker’s Trajectory-Landmark Theory-5

Chapter Three Spatial Metaphor in English and Chinese-7

3.1 Metaphorical Use of “IN”-7

3.1.1 Scope Domain-7

3.1.2 Time Domain-8

3.1.3 State Domain-8

3.1.4 Manner Domain-9

3.2 Metaphorical Use of “NEI”-9

3.2.1 Scope Domain-9

3.2.2 Time Domain-10

3.2.3 State Domain-10

3.2.4 Social Relation Domain-10

3.3 Contrastive Analysis of “IN” and “NEI” in Metaphorical Meaning-11

3.3.1 Similarities between “IN” and “NEI”-11

3.3.2 Differences between “IN” and “NEI”-11

3.3.3 Reasons of the Similarities and Differences-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-13


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文以英汉两种语言的基本空间方位词 “In” 及 “内”为研究对象,对比性地探讨了由这对方位词投射到范畴、时间、状态、方式、社会关系等方面的隐喻化认知方式,论文旨在探讨不......
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