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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Since the conceptual metaphor theory was raised, researchers and scholars both abroad and at home have been showing great interest in conceptual metaphor, metaphoric competence, and its effect in second language learning. The conceptual metaphor theory was issued by Lakoff and Johnson in their famous work Metaphors we live by in 1980. Metaphor is not only a figure of speech, but also a way of thinking. The conceptual metaphor is mapping from source domain to target domain and a cognitive approach of understanding new abstract things with old and concrete things. It is pervasive in our everyday life.

First of all, this thesis presents the review of the relevant theory and achievement of research of conceptual metaphoric competence, and its effect in second language learning. On this basis, the study explores the correlation between conceptual metaphoric competence and English proficiency.

This thesis is an experimental study. There are 45 English majors from Xuzhou Institute of Technology adopted to take metaphoric competence test in this experimental study. The   scores of metaphoric competence test and that of subjects’TEM-4 are collected and analyzed to reveal the relationship between conceptual metaphoric competence and English proficiency of English majors from Xuzhou Institute of Technology. The research results proved that the correlation between conceptual metaphoric competence and English proficiency was positively related. The data were analyzed by SPSS16.0 and Excel.

This thesis is made up of five chapters. Chapter one mainly introduces the background, objectives and organization of the thesis briefly. Chapter two serves as the literature review about the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphoric competence, and its effect in second language learning. Chapter three presents the methodology. Chapter four is about the research results. Chapter five comes into the conclusion about the findings, limitations and suggestions on the future relevant researches, teaching and learning conceptual metaphor.


Keywords:   Conceptual Metaphoric Competence  English Proficiency  English majors in Xuzhou Institute of Technology  Relevance






Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Objectives-1

1.3 Research Organization-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1Conceptual Metaphor Theory-3

2.1.1 Definitions-3

2.1.2 Classifications-3

2.2 Metaphoric Competence-4

2.2.1 Definitions-4

2.2.2 Metaphoric Competence & Second Language Learning-4

Chapter Three Methodology-6

3.1 Research Questions-6

3.2 Research Design-6

3.2.1 Subjects-6

3.2.2 Instruments-6

Chapter Four Research Results-8

4.1 Data Analysis-8

4.1.1 Answer to the Question One-12

4.1.2 Answer to the Question Two-12

Chapter Five Conclusion-15




上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文是一项实证研究,采用了隐喻能力测试问卷对来自徐州工程学院的45名英语专业学生进行了隐喻能力测试,并将测试结果与收集到的此45名受试者的英语专业四级成绩进行分析,揭示......
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