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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-05
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Abstract:Grice’s conversational implicature is one of the most important theories in pragmatics. In   the study of feminine image, women’s conversations occupy an increasingly important position. It is rare to study female characteristics according to pragmatics. From the perspective of the cooperative principle, taking the American TV series "Ugly Betty" as the object, the paper studies the heroine Betty’s violation of cooperative principle in order to achieve the goal of reconstructing feminine image. It is found that Betty violated the maxim of quality most often. Moreover, these conversational implicatures show us a kind, stubborn and filial woman who is poor in expressing her love.

Key words: cooperative principle; conversational implicature; feminine image





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review .2

3. Cooperative Principle.3

4. Application of CP in molding feminine image  5

  4.1 Sensitive

  4.2 Kind and helpful

  4.3 Filial and love her family

  4.4 Gradually matured

  4.5 Stubborn and principled

5. Conclusion11


Bibliography 13

Acknowledgements 14

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文从会话含义中的合作原则视角出发,以美国电视剧《丑女贝蒂》中的会话为语料,通过分析女主角贝蒂为了达到会话目的违反合作原则的情况,进而重构其女性形象。研究发现,贝......
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