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英语虚化动词结构刍议--以Have a Vn为例_英语论文.doc

资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-05
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Abstract:Delexicalized verb constructions (DVC) in the English language are a marked language phenomenon. By using the relevant theory of modern linguistics, based on examplification, the author attempts to explore syntactic and semantic features of the construction “Have a Vn” as well as its translation skills.This paper draws the following conclusions: DVC can be classified into typical and sub-typical construction according to syntactic features; the semantic feature of have a Vn is related to semantic attributes of eventive noun; as for the translation of English DVC, influenced by domesticating strategy, translators usually apply 6 translation skills, namely, repetition, amplification, omission, inversion,etc. What’s more, we have found that the translation skill “conversion” applies to most DVC translation. The author believes that to some extent the current research is of significance to English teaching, and also to the theoretical study of English grammar.

Key words: delexicalized verb constructions;have a Vn; syntactic features;semantic features; translation skills





1. Introduction1

1.1 Background and Objectives

1.2 Method and Structure of the Study

2. Literature Review...2

2.1 DVC Study at Home and Abroad

2.2 Introduction of Delexicalized Verb Construction

2.2.1 Definition of the Delexicalized Verb

  2.2 .2Definition of the Object of Delexicalized Verb

2.2.3Definition of the Delexicalized Verb Construction

3. The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Have Construction

4. Translation of Have a Vn8

5. Conclusion10




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文认为,虚化动词结构根据句法特点分有典型、次典型之分,对于have结构,其语义特点与事件名词的语义属性有关。英语have结构翻译成汉语,受归化策略影响,翻译者一般采用重译、......
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