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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This thesis is intended to investigate the differences of topics and vehicles in Chinese and American humor. Examples are all quoted from two sitcoms: My Own Swordsman and Friends. The first part of the thesis introduces the research purpose and the structure; the second presents a literature review; the third explores in detail the main characters, the differences of humorous topics and vehicles; the forth part is a conclusion in which the author points out the reasons for the differences and suggestions for the promotion of Chinese sitcoms in USA and other countries from the perspective of humor topics and vehicles.

Key words: Chinese and American humor; humorous topics; humorous vehicles





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review...1

3. Difference of Humor in My Own Swordsman and Friends....2

3.1 Humor in My Own Swordsman

3.1.1 Main characters

3.1.2 Humorous Topics

3.1.3 Humorous Vehicles

3.2 Humor in Friends.6

3.2.1 Main Characters

3.2.2 Humorous Topics

3.2.3 Humorous Vehicles

4. Conclusion..9




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本论文旨在研究中美幽默在幽默话题与幽默手段方面的差异。例证引自两部情景喜剧:武林外传与老友记。第一部分介绍研究目的与论文结构;第二部分展现文献综述;第三部分详细探......
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