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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This paper argues that Skopostherie is able to broaden the theoretical research scope of English film titles’ translation, and enables translators to have enough room for creation and to achieve the commercial value of a film. Based on Skopostherie, this paper analyzes some translations of Oscar Best Pictures. Then, it discusses how to apply Skopostherie to film titles’ translation. 

Key Words:Skopostherie; English Film Titles; Translation





1. Introduction .1

2. Translation strategies of Oscar Best Pictures imported into China .1

   2.1 Informative strategy

   2.2 Cultural strategy

   2.3 Esthetic strategy

   2.4 Commercial strategy

3. A Brief Introduction to Spokostherie 3

3.1 Definition of Spokostherie

3.2 Three Rules of Spokostherie

3.2.1 Spokos Rule

3.2.2 Coherence Rule

3.2.3 Fidelity Rule

4. Application of Spokostherie to English Film Titles’ Translation.4

4.1 Realization of Informative Value

4.2 Realization of Cultural Value

4.3 Realization of Esthetic Value

4.4 Realization of Commercial Value

5. Conclusion 8

Acknowledgements .10

Bibliography 11

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文认为目的论可以拓展英文电影片名翻译方面的理论研究领域,可以为译者创造力的发挥提供更大的空间,实现电影的商业价值。本文以目的论为理论基础,分析了一些奥斯卡最佳影......
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