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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Based on semantic structure, function, decategorization and idiomaticity, this thesis conducts a contrastive study of the delexicalized verb construction (DVC) in Chinese and English. The key findings of the study are as follows: 1) From the perspective of semantic structure, the similarities in both English and Chinese delexicalized verb construction lies in that both of them can provide a free semantic framework for the modifiers of the deverbal nouns(DN). However, the first difference between them is that in typical English DVC, the form of eventive object is identical to parent verb, whereas in non-typical English DVC the form of eventive object is generally not the same as parent verb. However, in Chinese there is no opposite concerned with the forms of eventive nouns. The second is that English and Chinese adopt different ways to retain the object of their DVC. 2) In terms of function, English and Chinese DVC can make objects become information focus, henceforth expressive emphasis can be achieved. As for the textual function, say, cohesion, English and Chinese DVC are different. 3) As regards decategorization, English and Chinese DVC all have this characteristic. 4) The idiomatic tendency of English DVC is obvious, whereas Chinese DVC doesn’t have this feature.  

Key words: delexicalized verbs; semantic structure; function; decategorization;      idiomatic tendency; English-Chinese contrast





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Definition-2

3.1 Definition of English Delexicalized Verb Construction-2

3.2 Definition of Chinese Dummy Verb-3

4. Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Delexicalized Verb Construction-3

4.1 The Semantic Structure of Delexicalized Verb Construction-3

4.2 The Function of Delexicalized Verb Construction -5

4.2.1 The Function of Object Modification-5

4.2.2 The Function of Object Focusing-6

4.2.3 The Function of Textual Cohesion-7

4.3 Decategorization of English and Chinese Delexicalized Verb Construction-8

4.4 The Idiomatic Tendency-9

5. Conclusion-10



上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文从语义、句法、功能、非范畴化及其熟语性四个方面,对英汉虚化动词结构的异同进行了对比。研究发现,在句法结构方面,英汉虚化动词结构的相似之处体现在英汉虚化动词结构......
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