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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This thesis is intended to discuss the characteristics of Chinese network hot words and their translation strategies to find out why certain strategy is used in a specific situation. It is found out that literal translation is often used when there is a complete equivalent in English and when the word-for-word translation does not bring about misunderstanding or confusion. Transliteration is used mainly for conciseness, but it has to be combined with other translation methods. Free translation is used when there is cultural difference or when the original has a unique cultural connotation. The first chapter of the thesis introduces the research purpose of the author. The second provides a literature review about the research of the field. The third explores in detail the definitions, characteristics and translation strategies of the words. The final part is a conclusion in which the author emphasizes her opinions and calls for further research.

Key words: network hot word; characteristic; translation strategy





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review .-.1

3. Translation of Chinese Network Hot Words-..3

3.1 Definition 

3.2 Characteristics

3.2.1 Abundance and Divercification

3.2.2 Novelty and Distinctiveness

3.2.3 Simplicity

3.2.4 Humor

3.3 Translation Strategies

3.3.1 Literal Translation

3.3.2 Transliteration

3.3.3 Free Translation

4. Conclusion10




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文旨在讨论中国网络热词的特征以及翻译策略,以期发现具体策略的使用原因。作者发现当英语中存在完全对等语、且直译不会引起误解或不解时,直译经常被使用。音译的使用主要......
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