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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:BBC’s documentary “Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School” has stirred a worldwide hot debate on Chinese school education. Citing a lot of examples from the documentary, this paper attempts to make a comparative study between Chinese and British school education from the aspects of education purposes, contents, methods and results, and explore the reasons of differences, so as to offer some suggestions to improve Chinese school education.

Key words: China and Britain; school education; comparison





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review ..2

2.1 Chinese School Education & British School Education 

  2.1.1 Chinese School Education

  2.1.2 British School Education

2.2 A Brief Review of the BBC’s Documentary “Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School”

3. Chinese and British School Education in the BBC’s Documentary “Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School”...4

3.1 Purpose of Chinese and British School Education 

3.2 Course Contents of Chinese and British School Education

  3.3 Teaching Methods of Chinese and British School Education

  3.4 Test Results of Chinese and British School Education

4. Analysis of the Similarities and Differences between the Chinese and British School Education7

4.1 Similarities of Chinese and British School Education

4.1.1 Goal Congruence

4.1.2 Keeping Pace with the Time

4.2 Differences of Chinese and British School Education

  4.2.1 The teacher-student Relationship 

4.2.2 Ways of Teaching and Learning

4.2.3 Educational Thoughts

4.3. Reasons of the Differences between Chinese and British School Education

5. Conclusion11




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:BBC纪录片《中国式教育》引起了对中国学校教育的全球性热议。 通过引用纪录片中的实例,本文试图从教育目的、内容、方式以及结果等方面来对中英两国的学校教育进行对比分析,探......
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