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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:To Kill a Mockingbird is a well-known novel, written by Harper Lee, a famous American female writer, and it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1961. The author’s intention was to make people pay more attention to the problem of racial discrimination, so that racism in the United States could be eradicated or alleviated. By analyzing remarks and behaviors of the leading character Atticus, this paper tries to reveal the complexity of Atticus of his different roles in the novel. Furthermore, this paper points out that the Harper intends to prioritize family education of whites and fair social moral values in order to properly address the issue of racism in the south.

Key words: racial discrimination; complexity; conversational analysis





1. Introduction ...1

2. Complexity of the Image of Atticus Finch 2

2.1 Image of Atticus Finch as a Father

2.1.1 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Jem and Scout

2.1.2 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Aunt Alexandra

2.2 Image of Atticus Finch as a White

2.2.1 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Mr. Auther

2.2.2 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Mr. Tate

2.3 Image of Atticus Finch as a Lawyer

2.3.1 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Tom Robinson

2.3.2 Atticus Finch’s Attitude to Mr. Ewell

3. Conclusion .7


Bibliography ..9


上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:作品中对于不同性格的人物形象刻画可谓入木三分,作者的目的是通过作品引起全世界对于种族歧视思想的关注,从而缓和甚至杜绝种族主义行为在美国盛行。此文章把主人公阿提克斯......
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