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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:As a common phenomenon in all languages and cultures, politeness plays an important role in interpersonal relationships, especially in establishing and maintaining social harmony and provides individual language behavior. Because of cultural differences, differences in the expression and understanding of courtesy and the inappropriate use of polite expressions often cause failure in intercultural communication. This paper is to analyze pragmatic differences between English and Chinese courteous expressions, explores the causes of the differences and accordingly, tries to find out the ways to help people in their cross-cultural communication.

This paper consists of four chapters. Chapter one offers a brief introduction to politeness expressions. Chapter two introduces different politeness principles in English and Chinese. Chapter three analyzes pragmatic differences between English and Chinese courteous expressions, especially in greetings, terms of addressing, compliments, and also pragmatic failure which are caused by unawareness of politeness. The author tries to provide some advice to reduce mistakes which are brought out by different courteous expressions. Chapter four is the conclusion of the whole paper. 

Key words: courteous expressions, pragmatic differences, pragmatic failure, causes, communicative strategy






1 Brief Review of Politeness Principle in English and Chinese-3

1.1 Politeness Principle in English-3

1.2 Politeness Principle in Chinese-3

2 Pragmatic Differences between English and Chinese Politeness Expressions-3

2.1 Pragmatic Difference of Greetings-4

2.1.1 Difference of the Subject-4

2.1.2 Difference of the Response-5

2.2 Pragmatic Differences of Terms of Addressing-6

2.2.1 Kinship Terms-7

2.2.2Non-kinship Terms-8

3 The Reasons for the Differences-8

3.1 Different Cultures-9

3.2 Different Understanding of Privacy-9

3.3 Different Understanding of the Respect for Seniority-10

3.4 Different Values-10

4 The Ways to Conquer the Differences in Politeness Expressions-11

4.1 Understanding English Culture and Expression Characteristics-11

4.2 Avoiding the Cultural Prejudice-11

4.3 Doing as the Romans doAvoiding the cultural prejudice-12

5 Conclusion-12



上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本篇论文包括四个部分,第一部分对英汉礼貌用语做了简要介绍并对国内外礼貌用语方面所作的研究进行了回顾。第二部分分别介绍了英汉礼貌原则及其发展。第三部分对所搜集材料进......
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