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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:British English and American English are the most important varieties of English language. There are some differences between them. This paper aims to analyze the lexical and grammatical differences between British English and American English. The lexical differences are shown in pronunciation, spelling and meaning. There are also some words only existing in either British English or American English. The grammatical differences are analyzed from the following aspects: tense, subjunctive mood, verbs, nouns, articles, prepositions, adjectives and adverbs. We need to understand the differences in order to avoid some misunderstandings arising from the differences between them. But we can not take the differences too far since they rooted from the same language and share the basic phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems. 

Key words: British English; American English; lexical differences; grammatical differences





1. Introduction .1

2. Reasons for Differences between British English and American English.2

3. Lexical Differences Between British English and American English.3

3.1 Differences in Pronunciation

  3.1.1 Differences in Vowels

  3.1.2 Differences in Consonants

  3.1.3 Differences in Word Stress 

  3.2 Differences in Spelling

    3.2.1 Simplification 

    3.2.2 Changes of Alphabets

  3.3 Differences in Meaning

3.3.1 Same Objects or Ideas Expressed by Different Words

3.3.2 Same Words with Different Meanings

  3.4 Words Without Counterparts

 4. Grammatical Differences Between British English and American English9

4.1 Differences in Tense

4.2 Differences in Subjective Mood

  4.3 Differences in the Use of Verbs

    4.3.1 Differences in Past Participle of Verbs

4.3.2 Differences in the Use Modal Verbs

4.3.3 Differences in the Use of “Have”

  4.4 Differences in the Use of Nouns

4.5 Differences in the Use of Articles

4.6 Differences in the Use of Prepositions

  4.7 Differences in the Use of Adjectives and Adverbs

5. Conclusion 14




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:英式英语和美式英语是英语的两种重要的变体,本研究旨在分析两者间的词汇和语法差异。英式英语和美式英语在词汇的读音、拼写和词义上都存在差异,还有一些词只单独存在于英式......
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