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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This paper discusses pragmatic functions of vague language in the English business correspondence based on the existing literature. It analyzes the classification and linguistic realization of vague language, and focuses on its pragmatic functions. It finds that the use of vague language is indeed of great pragmatic and practical values. It can increase the appropriateness of business language, make the writing more polite, enhance the persuasiveness, and ensure self- protection and crisis avoidance, and thus it can reinforce and effectively promote the success of business transactions and business activities.

Key words: English business correspondence; vague language; pragmatic function





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review.1

3. Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3

3.1 Classification of Vague Language

3.2 Linguistic Realization of Vague Language

  3.2.1 Lexical Means

  3.2.2 Syntactic Means

4.Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence.6

4.1 Increasing Appropriateness of Business Language

4.2 Making Writing More Polite

4.3 Enhancing Persuasiveness

4.4 Ensuring Self-Protection and Crisis Avoidance

5. Conclusion10




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文通过对相关现有文献的分析总结,来探讨英语商务信函中模糊语的语用功能。在对模糊语的分类及其语言实现研究的基础上,集中探讨模糊语在商务信函中的语用功能。研究表明,......
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