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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:News headline plays an important role in news writing. How to create an eye catching headline is the first thing to consider in news writing. Editors often use some techniques in depicting an ordinary news. All the readers do not have enough time or patience to read an piece of item of news from start to the winding-up stage. Many people are too busy and they only glance at the news headlines. English news headlines are always so attractive that they can draw the readers’ attention. This paper intended to analyze the specific English News Headlines’ tense features that make English readers understand clearly on the English news from the perspective of time-location in the framework of the relevance theory. 

Key words: English news headlines; characteristics; tense; function; application






2.General statement of English news headline

2.1 Characteristics of English news headline



2.2 Function of English headlines

2.2.1 Attracting reader’s interest

2.2.2Advertising the News.

3. Application of tense in English news headlines

 3.1 Application of present tense

 3.1.1 True and objective news.

 3.1.2 Timely news

3.2 Application of present continuous tense

3.3 Application of future tense.

3.3.1 Predication news.

3.3.2 Arrangement news

 4. Conclusion.



上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:新闻标题对新闻写作有重要的作用。如何拟定一个轰动性的标题是新闻写作首先要考虑的事情。编辑经常使用一些巧妙的方法来描绘一个普通的消息。并不是所有的读者都有足够的时间......
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