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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This study aims to explore the how domestication is used in subtitles English-Chinese (E-C) translation of the TV series The Big bang Theory. By exemplification, the thesis concludes that influenced by cultural differences, the following translation skills are often applied in subtitle E-C translation. The skills include adopting ancient poems, idioms, proverbs and common sayings. Meanwhile, the thesis also explored the advantages and disadvantages of the use of domestication strategy in E-C translation. Our discussion shows that domestication strategy can not only make the target text more fluent, but also make the it easily understood and accepted by the audience, The author  has put forward the principle that translators should use domesticating strategy appropriately according to communicative need.

Key words: subtitle translation; domestication; The Big bang Theory; TT; ST; audience






2.Literature Review-2

  2.1 General Introduction to Subtitles

2.1.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation

    2.1.2 Previous Studies on Subtitle Translation at Home and Abroad

    2.1.3 Features of Subtitle Translation

2.1.4 Some Aspects on Subtitle Translation

  2.2Cultural Difference on Subtitle Translation

3.Domestication And Its Application to Subtitle Translation of The Big Bang Theory -4

  3.1 Introduction of Domestication

  3.2 Domestication Evidenced in Subtitle Translating Regarding The Big Bang Theory

    3.2.1 Adopting Chinese Idioms, Proverbs and Poets.

    3.2.2 Adopting Chinese Common Sayings.

    3.2.3 The use of Domestication when Translating American Cultural Vocabulary

    3.3.4 The use of Domestication when Translating about Religious Culture

4. Conclusion-9


5. Bibliography-11

6. Acknowledgements-12

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本研究旨在探讨归化策略在美剧《生活大爆炸》英汉字幕翻译上的运用。通过例证,本文认为由于受到文化差异的影响,以下翻译技巧经常能应用于字幕翻译:这些技巧包括采用古诗、......
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