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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:The thesis, based on “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner, mainly analyses the collapse of the old systems in South America during the Civil War. It argues that the loss of supporters represented by old Grierson, Colonel Sartoris, and Miss Emily, and the irrationality of the old southern systems itself herald the end of the old system. The appearance of the new challengers represented by new bourgeois, Homer Baron accelerates the pace of the change. When the rising industrial civilization clashes against the falling plantation civilization, the latter—racism, Puritanism, and hierarchy which seriously constrained the development of the south and people’s inner feelings, collapses. The thesis concludes that a more civilized society with more advanced industrial environment, a freer ideology and a fairer system is destined to replace the declining old systems in American South. 

Key words: American South; industrial civilization; plantation; racism; Puritanism; hierarchy





1. Introduction......1

1.1A Brief Introduction to the Author and “A Rose for Emily”

   1.2 Literature Review

2. The Collapse of the Old System in American South as Seen in “A Rose for Emily”3

2.1 The Loss of Supporters

     2.1.1 Old Grierson and Colonel Sartoris, the Old Generation 

     2.1.2 Miss Emily, the Last Generation

2.2 The Appearance of New Challenges

     2.2.1 Homer Barron, the Rise of New Bourgeois

2.3 The Collapse of the Old System

 2.3.1 Racism


     2.3.3 Hierarchy

3. Conclusion....9




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:分析了南北战争时期美国南方旧体制的瓦解过程。论文论述了以老格里森、沙利托斯上校和艾米丽小姐为代表的美国南方旧制度守护者的逝去,和南方旧制度自身存在的不合理性,这两......
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