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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This study introduces the definition of national slurs, the causes of national slurs and the roles of national slurs. The writer picks some typical examples to introduce the national slurs in some nations. This paper also introduces the history and meaning of these national slurs. It would be helpful for readers to know more about the national slurs. This paper analyses the causes of national slurs and the phenomenon of these slurs. Examples from novels and movies are given to analyze the use of national slurs from the aspect of lexical semantics to help readers improve the accuracy of the language.. No matter from which aspect to analyze national slurs, they should be put in whole sentences or paragraphs for proper understanding. 

Key words: national slurs; lexical semantics; ethnic discrimination





1. Introduction1

2. Lexical Semantics.2

  2.1 Definition of Lexical Semantics

2.2 Contextual Theory of Glosseme

  2.3 Theory of Glosseme Change

3. National Slurs..3

  3.1 Definition of National Slurs

  3.2 Causes of National Slurs

      3.2.1 Hatred caused by wars

     3.2.2 Ethnocentrism

     3.2.3 Cultural Differences

     3.2.4 Appearance and Personality Differences

  3.3 Effects of National Slurs6

     3.3.1 Worsening National Relationship

     3.3.2 Stimulating the Development of the Insulted Nations

  3.4 Classifications of National Slur7

     3.4.1 National Slurs Formed by Semantics Degradation

     3.4.2 National Slurs Formed by Adding Nouns or Verbs or Adjectives

3.4.3 National Slurs Specially Created

4.The Analysis of Use of National Slurs from the Aspect of Lexical Semantics8

   4.1 The Use of National Slurs from Contextual Perspective

   4.2 The Use of National Slurs from Glosseme Change





上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文在吸收融合前人的研究成果的基础上,介绍民族侮慢语的定义、产生的原因及其作用,选取了几方面典型的例子介绍英语中对几个民族的歧视性、 侮辱性恶称,详细介绍这些民族侮......
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