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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:This study aims to explore the cultural inequality in the translation of trademarks and its translation strategies. Cultural elements are the essential factors in the translation of trademarks. The paper first introduces the concept of cultural inequality and its forms in three ways: modes of thinking, aesthetics charm and culture connotation. And then the cultural inequality in trademark translation is analyzed based on the cultural characteristics of trademarks Finally the paper points out the three main translation principles in translating the cultural factors in trademarks , flexible equivalent translation of cultural information, thorough understanding of the cultural connotation, avoiding offending the cultural taboo of target market, and proposes four main translation methods: literal translation, transliteration, free translation and simple translation).


Key words: trademark translation; cultural inequality; translation strategies 





1. Introduction

2. Concepts of Cultural Inequality and its Forms

  2.1 Concept of Cultural Inequality

  2.2 The Forms of Cultural Inequality

2.2.1 Different Ecological Culture 

2.2.2 Different Material Culture

2.2.3 Different Social Culture 

2.2.4 Different Religious Culture

2.2.5 Different Linguistic Culture

3. Cultural Inequality in Trademark Translation

  3.1 Cultural Characteristics of Trademark

  3.2 Main Manifestations of Cultural Inequality in Trademark Trasnlation

    3.2.1 Different Modes of Thinking

    3.2.2 Different Aesthetic Standard

    3.2.3 Different Culture Connotation

4. Translation Strategies of Cultural Inequality in Trademark Translation

  4.1 Translation Principles

    4.1.1 Flexible Equivalent Translation of Cultural Information

    4.1.2 Thorough Understanding of the Cultural Connotation 

    4.1.3 Avoiding Offending the Cultural Taboo of Target Market

  4.2 Translation Methods

    4.2.1 Literal Translation

    4.2.2 Transliteration

    4.2.3 Free Translation

    4.2.4 Simple Translation

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliography

7. Acknowledgements

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文旨在研究商标翻译中的文化不对等性及其翻译策略。文化因素是商标翻译中必不可少的因素。文章首先介绍了文化不对等性的概念及三个主要表现:思维方式、审美意趣、民族文化......
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