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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Nowadays, international communication occurs more and more frequently, as one of the most widely used methods of interpretation, the importance of consecutive interpretation should arise everyone’s attention. Based on an angle of the structure o theme and theme, this paper tries to classify some typical sentence patterns where usually use the method of theme-rheme reversion by analyzing the differences between English and Chinese on this theory. Meanwhile, the author tries to combine theme-rheme theory in linguistics with effort theory in interpretation, in order to build top-down schemata in student interpreters’ head. So that this can help them understand passage’s structure quickly and reflect the most suitable way to interpret and finally achieve the basic requirements of interpretation.

Key words: differences between Chinese and English; structure of rheme and theme; theme-rheme reversion;schema theory





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework..1

  2.1 Theme-rheme Theory

    2.1.1 The Definition of Theme-Rheme Theory 

    2.1.2 The Similarity and Differences Between Chinese and English on Theme-rheme Theory

  2.2 Interpretation Background

  2.3 Effort Theory

  2.4 Schema Theory

3. Practical Applications of Theme and Rheme Reversion..5

4. Sentence Categories Applying to Theme-rheme Reversion in Interpretation5       

  4.1 Negative Sentences

4.2 Positive Sentences

  4.2.1 Verbs

  4.2.2 Adjectives

  4.2.3 Prepositions 

  4.2.4 Phrases

  4.2.5 Comparative Degrees

  4.2.6 Double Negative Sentences

  4.2.7 Passive Sentences

5. Functions of Reversing Theme and Rheme when Interpreting9 

  5.1 Strengthening the Intention of a Sentence.

  5.2 Showing Some Conditions

6. Conclusion9



上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:如今跨国际交流越来越多,交替口译作为主要口译方式,重要性不容忽视。本研究选题是从主述位结构的角度,对比分析英汉双语主述位关系的差异,探讨总结出翻译中需要......
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