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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:This thesis focuses on cultural transmission in English-Chinese translation, including the cross-cultural communication, the relationship between culture and translation, the cultural clashes and the reasons for cultural differences. The purpose of the is to provide strategies for cultural transmission in English-Chinese translation.

Based on the relationship between culture and translation and cultural clashes, the thesis shows how to deal with cultural differences in English-Chinese translation.

The thesis explains the concept and the connotation of language, culture, translation, cultural clashes and cultural transmission in order to making further discussion.

The thesis pays attention to analyzing different culture and the strategies of cultural transmission, and provides a special view of cultural transmission in English-Chinese translation.

In summary, culture is of vital importance for translation, the two common skills on cultural translation are foreignizing translation and domestication translation. But in the process of translation, the most important is to choose the appropriate translation method in different situations.


Key Words:English-Chinese Translation; Cross-cultural Communication; Cultural     

            Clashes; Culture and Translation





1 Introduction2

1.1 Cultural Transformation in Translation.2

1.2 The Scope of Cross-cultural Translation.2 

2 Culture and Translation3

2.1 Translation in Cross-cultural Communication3

2.2 Culture.3

2.2.1 Concept of Culture.3

2.2.2 Language and Culture.4

2.3 The Relation Between Translation and Culture.4

3 Cultural Clashes in Translation.6

3.1 Lexical Clash6

3.2 Syntactic Clash 8

3.2.1 Impersonal-subject Sentence&Personal-subject Sentence8

3.2.2 Time Order and Space Construction.8

3.3 Proverb and Saying Clash9

4 Reasons of Cultural Differences10

4.1 Geographical and Natural Environment Factors.10

4.2 Social and History Factors10

4.3 Religous Belief Factors.12

4.4 Living Habits and Social Customs Factors.13

5 Translation skills in English-Chinese Translation.14

5.1 Domestication Translation15

5.1.1 Borrowing Method in English-Chinese Translation16

5.1.2 Substitution Method in English-Chinese Translation16

5.2 Foreignized Translation16

5.2.1 Transliteration Method in English-Chinese Translation17

5.2.2 Semantic Regeneration Method in English-Chinese Translation17

5.2.3 Explanatory Method in English-Chinese Translation18




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Language is not only a social phenomenon but also a cultural phenomenon reflecting cultural transmission. The relationship between language and culture determines the quality of translation. Translation is not only the transformation of lang......
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