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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:This article aim’s to discuss the children’s world and adult’s world in The Adventure of Tom·Sawyer. As a master in the history of American literature, Mark·Twain have written many popular books, this work is one of his magnum opus. The author set the background under a town near Mississippi River and he used beautiful words describe the story which far away from the noise of city.

    Tom·Sawyer is a boy who has been working on breaking the rules, he's not work hard in homework and did not want to submit to adult’s arrangements. Children’s worlds are pure forever, they may be hesitated in something because of fear.but the final choice always be right. Like Tom revealed Joe's true colors in court. But the adult’s worlds are always complex.They attach importance to education, ignore the health of children.They are hypocrisy, but not as brave as a child. Everyone was a child, and was pure .everyone will live the adult world, learning to become hypocrisy.Even Tom, the boy who has spirit of revolt, becoming care about others views.Perhaps only over the rules of the adult’s worlds, can we truly embrace happiness,but only few people can do it.Actually,The two worlds have influenced each other, this article can help readers distinguish the differences and similarities between two of the world, guiding people to find a faster way to happiness.







1. Introduction-1

1.1 A quick look at Mark·Twain as a novelist-1

1.2 A brief survey of the novel-3

1.3 Purpose of the research-4

2. Exploration of the two worlds-4

2.1Children’s world-5

2.1.1Tom’s playing truant-5

2.1.2Tom and Huck’s fleeing home-6

2.2.3 Tom and Becky’s adventures in the cave-6

2.2 Adult’s world-7

2.2.1 The necessity of children conventional education-7

2.2.2 “Bad Children” are Always Bad in Adult’s View-8

2.2.3 Risk and Soft about the Cave-8

2.3 Analysis of the contrast of the Two Worlds-9

2.3.1 How They Come out-9

2.3.2 How to Understand the Contrasts-10




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The Adventures of Tom·Sawyer is a masterpiece of great novelist Mark·Twain in the 19th century of America, and was published in 1876 with its keen observation and local characteristics of humor. The Adventures of Tom·Sawyer becomes one o......
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