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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:Nathaniel Hawthorne is remembered as one of the most famous American writer in the nineteenth century. He has achieved an unfaltering reputation as an author of short stories, romances, essays, and children’s books. He is famous not only for furthering the development of the short—story form, but also for the deep exploration of human beings in that period when industry has developed rapidly. Hawthorne exposes moral ambiguity in his works. The Scarlet Letter is considered as the most popular work of Hawthorne. It reflects Hawthorne’s feminism. Hawthorne’s attitude towards women is ambivalent. His view of feminism is both positive and negative. He is a radical feminist ,meanwhile he is influenced by Puritanism deeply. Hawthorne’s ambivalent feminism is influenced by his family and social background. He lives in the patriarchal society which dooms to his ambivalent view. He realizes that women are not treated equally. In his thought, female should have a proper status in the society which is not existed in that period. Women are considered as men’s property, they can’t receive enough respect. Moreover, under the influence of Feminism Movement, his pro-feminism comes into being. However, his advanced view has overwhelmed by Puritan doctrines partly. His limitation can be found in his works. In his opinion, women’s power can not challenge men’s dominance. And then, his anti-feminism can be found.

In the former part of The Scarlet Letter, Hester is depicted as a powerful woman who dares to fight against the society. But in the latter part, Hester is assimilated by Puritanism. Her rebellion is weaker even disappear with the development of story. This transition reflects the changes of Hawthorne’s view of feminism. Hawthorne is guilt of his Puritan family background, so he will focus on modern perspective on women. While under the influence of his family, he can’t get rid of Puritan doctrines. So his attitude towards women is the product of the collision and fusion of modern and traditional ideology.


Key words: Nathaniel Hawthorne ;The Scarlet Letter Feminism;Ambivalent;   Puritan






1.1About Nathaniel Hawthorne-1

1.2 What contributes to Hawthorne’s feminism-2

1.2.1 The definition of feminism-2

1.2.2Family Factors-3

1.2.3 Social  Factors-4

1.3 The Scarlet Letter-5

1.4 Thesis-7

2. On Hawthorne’s View of Feminism in The Scarlet Letter-7

2.1 Hawthorne’s Pro-feminism Attitude-7

2.1.1 Hester’s rebellion against irrational marriage-8

2.1.2 Hester’s rebellion against local governing-9

2.1.3 Hester’s rebellion against the society-10

2.1.4 Analysis of Pearl-10

2.2 Hawthorne’s Anti-feminism Attitude-11




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in July 4,1804. He was an American novelist, Dark Romantic, and short story writer. Hawthorne’s literary attainments were higher than the others in that period maybe except Henry James. His achievements include......
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