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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-05
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Neology refers to adding new meanings to words on the basic of their original meanings, and these meanings are used widely in language. As a special linguistic phenomenon, neology plays an important role in application development and application of language. Researching and exploring neology is a compulsory course for all language learners. To understand and use neology better, we must start with semantic change. And this paper is intended to explore the causes and types of neology generation. In addition, the author will conclude and summary the factors to promote development of neology, thus hope that can provide a train of thought and reference for other English learners in later language learning.


Key words: neology; semantic change; causes; generation






2.Past Literatures-1

2.1 Home-1

2.2 Abroad-2

3.Theoretical Frame-2

3.1 Definition of Neology-2

3.2  Causes  and Formations of Semantic Change-3

4.Data Collection-3


5.1  The Causes of Neology Generation-3

5.1.1 Political Change and Social Reform Introduced into New Ideas-3

5.1.2  Social and Economic Development Broadened  New Meaning-4

5.1.3  Development of  Science Gives the Word New Meaning-4

5.1.4 Subject Cross and Transformation from Proper Nouns to Common Nouns-5

5.1.5 Social Changes Give Words New Meaning-6

5.2 Types of Neology  Generation-6

5.2.1 Broadening and narrowing of word meaning-6 Broadening of word meaning-6 The narrowing of meaning-8

5.2.2Upgrading and Degradation of Meaning-9 Upgrade of Meaning-9 Degradation of meaning-10

5.2.3 Transformation of Meaning-11

5.2.4  Weaken and Enhance of Meaning-12

5.2.5  Functional Transformation-12

5.3 Factors to Promote the Development of Neology-13

5.3.1 Social Factors-13

5.3.2 Psychological Factors-13

5.3.3 Linguistic Factors-13

5.4 The Feature of Neology-13


7. Suggestion for English Learners-14

8. Limitation-15

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Language is the most important instrument of communication, and it is the product of historical development, which exists and gets development during the use of language. With the progress of science and technology, the development of the in......
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