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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 The Present State of Grammar Teaching in Junior High School in China-1

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research-2

1.3 Research Questions-2

1.4 The Outline of the Thesis-2

2. Literature Review-4

2.1 Definition of Explicit Grammar Instruction and Implicit Grammar Instruction-4

2.2 Arguments for Explicit Grammar Instruction-5

2.3 Arguments for Implicit Grammar Instruction-5

2.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instruction-6

2.5 The Necessity of Integrating Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instruction-6

3. Research Procedure and Data Collection-8

3.1 Research Questions-8

3.2 Research Subjects-8

3.3 Research Materials-8

3.4 Research Instruments-8

3.5 Research Procedures-9

3.5.1 Pretest-9

3.5.2 Experiment-9

3.5.3 Post Tests-11

3.6 Data Collection-12

4. Data Analysis and Academic Discussion-13

4.1 Students’ English Proficiency Scores in Pre-test-13

4.2 Overall Scores in Grammatical Items Between the Two Classes in Post-test-13

4.3 Classroom Observation Result-14

4.3 Discussion-14

5. Conclusion-16

5.1 Major Findings-16

5.1.1 Explicit Instruction Plays an Important Role in Grammar Teaching-16

5.1.2 Implicit Instruction Activates Grammar Teaching-16

5.1.3 The Integration of Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instructions Can be Affected by the Degrees of Grammar Complexity-16


Appendix 1-21

Appendix 2-25

Appendix 3-29

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Grammar is at the center of language learning, as Philip Kerr mentioned (Kerr, 2002), and it has long been a focus subject in the EFL circles since EFL teaching came into being. The efforts to renovate grammar teaching in EFL classroom throu......
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