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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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The thesis mainly explores the feasibility of applying the flipped classroom in elementary English teaching, and it also builds a model for the teaching. The thesis introduces the educators who proposed the flipped classroom and also the schools which advocate the teaching method. The history, the definition and also some models which are applied will be introduced in the thesis. The author explores the feasibility of applying the flipped classroom by questionnaire survey. The thesis summaries the characteristics and status quo of English teaching in elementary schools. The elements that influence students’ learning interest is also discussed. Based on all the researches above, the author tries to build up a model and makes a teaching plan mainly for fourth-grade elementary school students.


Keywords: the flipped classroom; models; elementary English; teaching plan




摘  要

I. The Introduction of the Flipped Classroom-1

1.1 The Definition and History of the Flipped Classroom-1

1.2 The Application of the Flipped Classroom-2

1.2.1 The Application of the Flipped Classroom in China-2

1.2.2 The Application of the Flipped Classroom abroad-2

1.3 Basic models of the Flipped Classroom-3

II.The Feasibility of the Flipped Classroom-7

2.1 The Design of the Questionnaire-7

2.2 The Analysis of the Questionnaire-7

III. The Exploration of the Flipped Classroom-8

3.1 The Flipped Classroom and Elementary English Teaching-8

3.1.1 The characteristics and status quo of elementary English learning.-8

3.1.2 Factors that influence the elementary English learning-8

3.2 An Example of the Lesson Plan-9

3.3 The innovation of the teaching plan-10

3.4 The Model of the Teaching Plan-10

IV. Conclusion-12


Appendix I Questionnaire 1-15

Appendix II Questionnaire 2-16

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述: With the Internet growing rapidly, and so many new techniques appearing every day, teachers have to search for a better way of teaching. And before adopting a new pedagogical approach, teachers should also make some researches and experimen......
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