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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Task- based language teaching (TBLT) is an important language teaching method put forward by Prabhu in the 1980s. With the wide implementation of New Curriculum Standards for full-time Compulsory Education, TBLT has played an increasingly influential role in China. There are plenty of researches focusing on the study of TBLT. However, most of the papers are concerned with the theoretical exploration of TBLT, not concrete study of TBLT. We have such questions like: What has TBLT brought for the foreign language teaching in China? How much do English teachers know about TBLT? What are the teachers’ attitudes towards TBLT?  Whether TBLT is suitable for Chinese Classes? It’s necessary to think about these questions. Based on the above questions, the thesis can be divided into five chapters. Chapter I briefly introduces the background of the research as well as purpose and significance of the research. Chapter II shows the definitions of task and TBLT, and presents a literature review on TBLT at home and abroad. Chapter III is about the research methodology, containing the research questions, and descriptions of participants and instruments. Chapter IV provides data analysis results and discussion of the study. Chapter V concludes the thesis with a discussion of limitation and also some constructive suggestions for middle school English teachers. 

Key words: task-based language teaching, middle school, implementation situation




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the research-1

1.2 Purpose and significance of the research-2

1.3 The structure of the thesis-2

2. Literature review-3

2.1 Definition of task-3

2.2 Definition of TBLT-4

2.3 The theoretical background of TBLT-4

2.3.1 Social constructivism-4

2.3.2 Interactive view-5

2.4 The studies of TBLT abroad and home-6

2.4.1 The studies of TBLT in the foreign countries-6

2.4.2 The studies of TBLT in China-7

3. Methodology-9

3.1 Research questions-9

3.2 Research content-10

3.3 Participants-10

3.4 Instruments: questionnaire-10

3.5 Data collection and analysis-11

4. Results and discussion-12

4.1 Basic information of teachers and schools-12

4.2 Teachers’ knowledge about TBLT and their attitudes towards TBLT-14

4.2.1 Teachers knowledge about TBLT-14

4.2.2 Teachers’ attitudes towards TBLT-15

4.3 The specific implementation of TBLT-16

4.4 The effects of TBLT in middle school-19

4.5 The problems and difficulties of carrying out TBLT-20

5. Conclusion and Suggestion-22

5.1 Conclusion-22

5.2 Suggestions for designing tasks-22

6. References-24

7. Appendix…..25

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The frequent exchange among countries and the rapid development of the world make English become an international language. So it is of great significance for us Chinese to obtain a good command of English. It is obvious to see that English ......
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