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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Conflict talk is a complicated and universal language phenomenon, which often leads to communication failure and hinders the successful interaction of two parties. Conflict talk has been extensively examined in linguistic fields, but the discussion of conflict talk together with possible ways to response, especially from the perspective of power relations, has been found to be quite few. Therefore, this study aims to look into this topic from this perspective, on the basis of theories of conversational analysis, politeness theory and face theory.

Dialogs in the English TV series Downton Abbey are collected as conflict talk data. After careful analysis and discussion qualitatively and quantitatively, the study comes to the conclusion that power relations have great impact on the choice of conversational strategies in conflict talk, and the participants should adopt appropriate strategies accordingly: the more powerful participants can choose constructive strategies (such as withdrawal and humor), destructive strategies(such as threat and order), and strategies in-between (such as opposing question and sarcasm),while the less powerful ones are more limited in strategy choosing. But since constructive strategies attach more importance to politeness, for the sake of a cordial and harmonious atmosphere, they are more advisable for both parts. With these findings, the research helps to better illuminate patterns and functions of conflict talk and also provides theoretical guidance for people to face conflict talk strategically.


Keywords: conversational strategies; conflict talk; power relations; conversational analysis; face




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Objective and Significance of the Study-1

1.3 Structure of the Study-2

2. Previous Studies on Conflict Talk-4

2.1 The Definition of Conflict Talk-4

2.2 Previous studies on Conflict Talk-5

3.Research Method-7

3.1 Research Design-7

3.2 Data Collection-8

4. Data Analysis and Discussion-8

4.1 Frequency of each type of strategy-8

4.2 Types of strategies employed by speakers-10

4.2.1 Directives-10

4.2.2 Opposing Questions-13

4.2.3 Threats-15

4.2.4 Sarcasms-16

4.2.5 Withdrawals-17

4.2.6 Humors-18

4.2.7 Combination of Strategies-19

4.3 Summary-20

5. Conclusion-21

5.1 Major Findings-21

5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for FurtherResearch-22

5.2.1 Limitations of the Study-22

5.2.2 Suggestions for Further Research-22


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:But conflict talk cannot be studied alone, for the phenomenon is usually bonded with specific social context. Power is one of the elements that are usually discussed among such social factors. According to the theories of power and solidarit......
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